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Advanced FUE Hair Transplantation

Our Advanced FUE Hair Transplantation System is a surgical technique that removes individual hair or follicular units, “one at a time” from the posterior donor harvesting site, and is generally pursued for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia, also known as male pattern baldness.

The FUE Automated Hair Transplantation System restores hairlines with no surgery, no stitches, and no scarring. Unlike other transplant procedures that surgically remove a large portion of scalp, our experts utilize a gentle pneumatic extractor to delicately remove individual follicles from the donor area from the back of their head. The follicles are then implanted into areas of the scalp where balding occurs. The result is a discrete and natural hair transplant system without the need for incisions of any kind.

Do you Qualify for Advanced FUE Hair Transplantation?

Candidates for hair restoration surgery are in good health with moderate hair loss and sufficient donor hair on the back of the scalp. Those with more donor hair and greater hair density can typically expect fuller results.

What to Expect During this Procedure?


Step 1. Donor Hair Removal

First, we remove hair from the donor area in the back of your head where your hair is genetically programmed to resist testosterone. This is known as your donor hair. We will locate the healthiest follicles within your donor area for optimal retrieval. During harvesting, we will extract individual grafts, matching each for the same consistency in diameter and length. This results in a dramatically increased harvest rate.

Step 2. Creation of the Recipient Sites

Your hair transplant specialist will create recipient sites in the proper angle, direction, and orientation according to the hair transplant plan designed specifically for you.

Step 3. Placement of the Hair Graft

Your follicular units will be carefully separated by size. We then transplant the grafts into the balding and thinning areas of your scalp.

Will my hair be noticeably fuller after my procedure? How soon will I see results?
Those with more donor hair and greater hair density can typically expect fuller results. It is also important that you have reasonable cosmetic goals. Advanced FUE Hair Transplantation can achieve high quality, natural results but cannot restore your hair to the density you had as a teenager. Your doctor will assess the amount of coverage needed to give you the appearance you desire.

Your results will appear gradually as your hair grows at its own natural pace. Once your hair follicles are implanted into the balding area, the grafted hair will stay in place for 2-3 weeks before shedding. This is a normal and important part of the new growth process. After shedding, the new growth will begin in 3-4 months, and your hair will continue to grow normally. More importantly, your results will look healthy and natural.

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