Trichloroacetic Acid Facial Peel
The TCA (trichloroacetic acid) Facial Peel can produce results. While it is more serious than a glycolic acid peel, it is used to treat sun damaged skin, fine lines and to reduce discolorations of brown pigment in the skin. It is a appealing procedure to patients with darker skin as it can fix pigmentation problems and remove blemishes that are not too deep.
Its effects can be altered to allow for mild to severe peeling. The chemical in this peel allows for a deeper exfoliation of the skin, stimulating the remodeling and building of new collagen.
Depending upon the aggressiveness of the peel, the top layers of the skin slough within 5 to 7 days and are replaced within 7 days by new epidermis. This peel leaves the skin beautifully revived.
You may be required to have a pre-treatment of Retin-A or AHA creams. You may also have to repeat treatments to maintain your desired results. Following treatment, it’s absolutely mandatory and imperative that you use sunblock for several months.
While the TCA Facial Peel is an extremely effective treatment method, it’s important to discuss all potential options with your doctor. Prior to treatment, our board certified dermatologists discuss your options as well as all potential side effects, based on your unique circumstances and body.
Contact Us today to schedule your FREE consultation for any cosmetic procedure at one of our 18 locations.
The following are some featured patients who have undergone a TCA Peel procedure.